July 2022
As it was mentioned in the previous chapter, we were going to Cluj-Napoca, and that is what we did. To be exact, we rented an apartment in Floresti – a suburb of Cluj. It has seen rapid development in the 2000s, but it looks like people were waiting for us to arrive to start major renovations.

Every morning we were waking up to the sound of a drill or a circular saw cutting tiles. There also was a row of houses still uninhabited. It was a strange place.
Many times we heard clatter of hooves and horse neighing. And one day we saw the source of these sounds. Turns out, it was local movers, nothing special…
Actually, horse carts are very popular in rural Romania. Where in other countries we saw villagers riding light tractors or even walk-behind tractors with trailers, in Romania we saw horse drawn carts.
In the undergrounds of Salina Turda (they have WiFi there!) Dmitry signed a contract with his previous employer (Estonia granted a residence permit, after all). The plan was to start working remotely and then return to Tallinn. The company sent their corporate laptop to the address in Floresti. It arrived in a few days and… did not turn on. Blank screen and a flickering touch bar (yep, it was a MacBook Pro). While a replacement laptop was on the way, we had another week to explore Cluj-Napoca.
There in Floresti we finally decided to buy a drone to look at the beautiful landscapes from above. Drone pilots in Europe must undergo specific training, get a license and purchase insurance, unless they pilot small drones with maximum take-off weight of 249g. For this reason DJI produces its Mini series. Unlike the laptop, the DJI Mini2 we ordered turned on and took off.
Here is a short video from the first flight. Please, do not be judgemental 🙂
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