June 2022
Could there be a better time to arrive in Transylvania than twilight? We were approaching the apartment booked for the next three days, when we realised it was not far from the train station. After three nights under the flight path that was ironic. A white car that had overtaken us a minute ago stopped before the railroad crossing and turned on hazard lights. It honked when we passed by and started to follow us. We stopped. The white car stopped beside us, the driver opened the window and asked:
– Booking? Ksenia?
– Yes?
– Follow me! I’ll show you the way.
According to GPS the house we were looking for was just a hundred metres ahead, we could, probably, find the way ourselves. OK, we would not mind a formal eskort 🙂 We started to follow the white rabbit. One hundred metres… this is the house… two hundred metres… five hundred… one kilometre. What is going on? Where are we going? Who is this man?! Is he a vampire stealing us from other vampires? What would have happened if we had actually got to the original address? And back to the beginning: where are we going?
Eventually, we arrived (far enough from the train station). We were going to Griviței street, but instead we came to Griviței street. If you are in Deva, do not mix them up.

Why did we come to Deva? Because there is an old fortress on a hill above the city. Unfortunately, the road to the fortress was closed. It was possible to walk all the way uphill, but we did not have the spirit.
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