If I wanted to document my last week Instagram-style, I would tell my subscribers that we got bored and decided to go travelling. We made up our minds and we started packing. We did not spend much time, though, and soon we drove into the sunset in our Lexus. We drove through the Baltics, enjoyed shopping in Poland and spent a night in an expensive hotel in Czechia. We made a detour to have lunch in our favourite restaurant in Budapest. The time was worth it. If you are in Budapest, do not hesitate to go to Stex Haz and order from the chef’s specials menu, also their goulash tastes like childhood at grandma’s.
We were heading to Serbia, but we got lost and ended up in Croatia. We decided to embrace the opportunity and go to the seaside. The sea is magnificent.
This is true, but it is not the truth.
If you know nothing about me, you are likely to envy me. You might even think that I live an interesting life full of adventures and I can afford it, not like yourself.
If I was to tell you with no sugar coating how I spent last week, I would tell you that we lived in Tallinn and were not going anywhere. Unexpectedly Estonia denied a long term visa to Dmitrii, who already had a temporary work permit and was employed as a software developer. However, someone in the visa department decided that Dmitrii was a threat to Estonian national security (literally, it was written in the response). As a result we had to leave the Schengen Area in five days, as our visa free period was ending. Dmitrii’s employment was terminated. Almost all our belongings had to stay in a self-storage in Tallinn. Our Lexus? A 17-years old compact sedan. Shopping in Poland? Shorts bought in H&M and a box of chocolates from a service station. Expensive hotel? All hotels in Czechia are expensive compared to Poland. Favourite restaurant in Budapest? We have been to that restaurant once when we were on our way to Estonia in March three months ago.
Denis had tantrums every morning. After several days of packing, stress and sleep deprivation we messed up with the navigation app and found ourselves on the Croatian border instead of the Serbian one. We have no idea what lies ahead.
Oh, and the sea is magnificent!

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