Well, Estonia did it. They really rejected our applications for long term visas, and the reason was “You pose a threat to national security, international relations or public safety”.
Now, let us introduce ourselves. We are Dmitry, Ksenia and Denis. Dmitry is the dangerous guy. He is bad to the bone, he is a Senior Java Developer (JEE, Spring, Microservices – the hard stuff if you know what I mean). Ksenia is a psychologist. She believes that almost everything can be talked through, laughed or sworn at, and turned from a drama into a life story. She also can find almost everything and everyone, like an English speaking child psychiatrist in a non English speaking country that would admit you tomorrow. Yes, that’s oddly specific, but it is the story of our life, because our son Denis is a AAA rated child: ASD, ADHD, Anxiety. He is also an avid reader, loves My Little Pony cartoons and melodic death metal.
This is not the first time we pack up and leave, we already did this just a few months ago in February. And we have done it before. Everything felt so temporary in the past few years, we didn’t even bother to buy a bed for ourselves and slept on a mattress dropped on the floor. Only Denis had a proper bed. This time, however, we tried to settle down. We furnished the bedroom and Ksenia landed her Tardis on her night table.

We also bought 50 kg of various flour for our bread maker, 10 kg of pasta and a microwave (with convection!). We rented a nice apartment in a walking distance from Dmitry’s office. Oh yes, Dmitry had a job in Tallinn. Ksenia found herself a decent nail master and a hairdresser.
It seems, we tried too hard, and our attempt to settle failed.
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